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» XMLinkHub: 본문 내 참고문헌 미리보기 제공 XMLink 2019.11.11 207
1449 XMLinkHub: Full text Search 디자인 변경 XMLink 2019.11.07 279
1448 Perinatology DOI에 Multiple Resolution 적용 XMLink 2019.11.06 195
1447 "International Journal of Heart Failure" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 17335
1446 "Cardiovascular Prevention and Pharmacotherapy" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 528
1445 "Journal of Global Health Science" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 315
1444 SCOPUS 등재: Korean Journal of Medical Education XMLink 2019.11.04 1328
1443 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome XMLink 2019.10.31 4476
1442 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology XMLink 2019.10.31 8129
1441 SCOPUS 등재: Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research XMLink 2019.10.31 1616
1440 "Journal of the Korean Glaucoma Society" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.10.15 1945
1439 Editorial Manager for Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine XMLink 2019.10.01 2290
1438 SCOPUS 등재: Acute and Critical Care XMLink 2019.09.30 983
1437 SCI 등재: Ultrasonography XMLink 2019.09.26 357
1436 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society XMLink 2019.09.23 329
1435 SCOPUS 등재: Genomics & Informatics XMLink 2019.09.23 325
1434 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions XMLink 2019.09.23 346
1433 TRD DOI에 Multiple Resolution 적용 XMLink 2019.09.23 1647
1432 2019년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 3차 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2019.09.20 2072
1431 SCOPUS 등재: World Journal of Men's Health XMLink 2019.09.18 418