
About us

XMLink designs, develops and
hosts e-journal platforms of
medical journals, and
this service is known as

XMLink designs, develops and hosts e-journal platforms of medical journals,

this service is known as XMLinkHub.

The company also provides XML related services for PubMed and PubMed Central. XMLink shares the International relations with Crossref, ICSTI, World Wide Science Alliance, ORCID, NLM/NCBI, PubMed, PubMed Central, and others.
XMLink has a solid tradition of excellence in XML application and value innovation. We continue to create solutions and new services to meet emerging journals' needs. Our broad range of services includes creating XML files with subsequent elaborate and delicate validations; XMLinkHub and mobile web services through XML linking implementations; applying global publishing standards such as MeSH, JATS XML, DOI, reference linking, cited by metrics, Crossmark, Funder Registry, Similarity Check, ORCID and many others; enabling journal evaluations by providing bibliographic informations and bibliometric data.
"Open", "Inviting" and "Transparent" represent the core values of XMLink to navigate our way through the publishing ecosystem. Ever since the establishment in 2008, XMLink has contributed to the worldwide dissemination of the scholarly information mostly of the unique Korean medical research works.