번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
230 Synapse 등재: Korean Journal of Stroke XMLink 2011.08.25 7634
229 PubMed 등재: Journal of Breast Cancer (2011.08.18) XMLink 2011.08.24 7615
228 Synapse: Facebook, Twitter, e-mail로 논문 정보 공유/보내기 기능 적용 XMLink 2011.08.21 7656
227 PubMed Central 등재: Journal of Breast Cancer (2011.08.16) XMLink 2011.08.18 8280
226 KoreaMed: DOI display 방식 변경 XMLink 2011.08.10 8151
225 "CrossRefNews" Twitter: KoreaMed Synapse from KAMJE among the first to display DOIs XMLink 2011.08.10 8994
224 PubMed Central 등재: Laboratory Animal Research (2011.08.09) XMLink 2011.08.09 8886
223 PubMed 등재: Healthcare Informatics Research (2011.08.08) XMLink 2011.08.09 8749
222 Central: DOI display 방식 변경 XMLink 2011.08.08 9389
221 Synapse: DOI display 방식 변경 XMLink 2011.08.08 7494
220 KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Genomics & Informatics XMLink 2011.08.05 8242
219 Cited by SCI 적용: Korean Journal of Radiology XMLink 2011.07.24 9460
218 KoreaMed 등재: Environmental Health and Toxicology XMLink 2011.07.22 8565
217 KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Environmental Health and Toxicology XMLink 2011.07.21 9861
216 Synapse 등재: Environmental Health and Toxicology XMLink 2011.07.21 8928
215 Manuscript Editing A-Z Workshop XMLink 2011.07.21 7907
214 Synapse 등재: Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine XMLink 2011.07.19 9751
213 PubMed Central 등재: Healthcare Informatics Research (2011.07.13) XMLink 2011.07.14 9710
212 KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Journal of Agricultural Medicine and Community Health XMLink 2011.07.12 8977
211 CAS 등재: The Korean Journal of Pain XMLink 2011.07.07 9517