번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
50 SCOPUS 등재: Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research XMLink 2019.10.31 1785
49 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology XMLink 2019.10.31 8429
48 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome XMLink 2019.10.31 4627
47 SCOPUS 등재: Korean Journal of Medical Education XMLink 2019.11.04 1452
46 "Journal of Global Health Science" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 446
45 "Cardiovascular Prevention and Pharmacotherapy" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 614
44 "International Journal of Heart Failure" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.11.04 17420
43 Perinatology DOI에 Multiple Resolution 적용 XMLink 2019.11.06 293
42 XMLinkHub: Full text Search 디자인 변경 XMLink 2019.11.07 362
41 XMLinkHub: 본문 내 참고문헌 미리보기 제공 XMLink 2019.11.11 306
40 Editorial Manager for Journal of the Korean Glaucoma Society XMLink 2019.11.15 262
39 SCOPUS 등재: Korean Journal of Neurotrauma XMLink 2019.11.19 568
38 SCOPUS 등재: Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism XMLink 2019.11.19 703
37 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of Bone Metabolism XMLink 2019.11.19 1383
36 SCOPUS 등재: Neurospine XMLink 2019.11.20 571
35 SCOPUS 등재: Archives of Craniofacial Surgery XMLink 2019.11.25 1111
34 2019년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 4차 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2019.11.29 292
33 MEDLINE 등재: Diabetes & Metabolism Journal XMLink 2019.12.09 308
32 2020년, SCI가 SCIE로 통합 제공 XMLink 2019.12.12 382
31 MEDLINE 등재: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine XMLink 2020.01.11 0