150 |
연구윤리와 JKMS 출판 워크숍 (대한의학회 임원 아카데미) 참석
| XMLink | 2018.11.30 | 282 |
149 |
2018년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 5차 워크숍 참석
| XMLink | 2018.12.07 | 293 |
148 |
Similarity Check--iThenticate Scheduled Maintenance January 5, 2019
| XMLink | 2018.12.11 | 340 |
147 |
XMLink 2018 송년회
| XMLink | 2018.12.13 | 381 |
146 |
Synapse: Korean Leprosy Bulletin 등재
| XMLink | 2018.12.27 | 244 |
145 |
Editorial Manager (EM) & XMLink Technical Meeting (2019.01.10)
| XMLink | 2019.01.10 | 273 |
144 |
2019 Editorial Manager User Group Meeting in Seoul
| XMLink | 2019.01.10 | 320 |
143 |
제12회 의학학술지 편집인 아카데미 수료
| XMLink | 2019.01.31 | 384 |
142 |
MEDLINE 등재: Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
| XMLink | 2019.02.07 | 260 |
141 |
"Advances in Pediatric Surgery" e-journal platform 구축 open
| XMLink | 2019.02.08 | 331 |
140 |
Editorial Manager for Kidney Research and Clinical Practice
| XMLink | 2019.02.08 | 225 |
139 |
"Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition" e-journal platform 구축 open
| XMLink | 2019.02.08 | 411 |
138 |
Editorial Manager for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
| XMLink | 2019.02.08 | 234 |
137 |
Editorial Manager for Journal of Global Health Science
| XMLink | 2019.02.08 | 219 |
136 |
XMLink 2019년도 동계 workshop
| XMLink | 2019.02.20 | 775 |
135 |
KoreaMed Renewal Open
| XMLink | 2019.03.11 | 243 |
134 |
Editorial Manager for Journal of Lipid and Atherosclerosis
| XMLink | 2019.03.12 | 90 |
133 |
KoMCI: 2018 Impact factor
| XMLink | 2019.03.18 | 176 |
132 |
2019년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 1차 워크숍 참석
| XMLink | 2019.03.22 | 198 |
131 |
MEDLINE 등재: Endocrinology and Metabolism
| XMLink | 2019.03.25 | 128 |