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-Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1010 KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Journal of Korean Burn Society XMLink 2013.02.16 5653
1009 Synapse 등재: The Ewha Medical Journal XMLink 2013.02.16 5631
1008 PubMed Central 등재: Clinical Nutrition Research (2013.2.22) XMLink 2013.02.22 5885
1007 PubMed Central 등재: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics (2013.2.22) XMLink 2013.02.22 7003
1006 PubMed Central 등재: Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience (2013.2.22) XMLink 2013.02.22 7264
1005 PubMed 등재: Clinical Nutrition Research (2013.02.26) XMLink 2013.02.26 7296
1004 PubMed 등재: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics (2013.02.26) XMLink 2013.02.26 6420
1003 PubMed 등재: Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience (2013.02.26) XMLink 2013.02.26 6728
1002 KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Toxicological Research XMLink 2013.02.27 5619
1001 KoMCI: 2012 Impact factor XMLink 2013.03.04 7130
1000 Synapse 등재: Brain & Neurorehabilitation XMLink 2013.03.13 5645
999 Synapse 등재: Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics XMLink 2013.03.13 6289
998 PubMed LinkOut 설정: Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (2013.03.13) XMLink 2013.03.14 8126
997 Synapse 등재: Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand XMLink 2013.03.16 5089
996 PubMed LinkOut 설정: Clinical Nutrition Research (2013.03.18) XMLink 2013.03.18 5236
995 PubMed LinkOut 설정: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics (2013.03.18) XMLink 2013.03.18 6093
994 PubMed LinkOut 설정: Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience (2013.03.18) XMLink 2013.03.18 5825
» KoreaMed LinkOut 설정: Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing XMLink 2013.03.19 5678
992 제4차 XMLink 이사회 (2013.3.19) XMLink 2013.03.20 6533
991 2013년도 XMLink 정기 주주 총회 (2013.3.19) XMLink 2013.03.20 6520