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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1330 KAMJE Press: KJCN e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.11 226
1329 KAMJE Press: AP Allergy e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.01 228
1328 KAMJE Press: EnM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.30 231
1327 ICUrology 편집위원회 참석 및 감사패 수상 XMLink 2018.11.29 232
1326 KAMJE Press: KJR e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.01.25 233
1325 2017년도 의편협 정기총회 및 심포지엄 참석 (2017.3.30) XMLink 2017.03.31 234
1324 KAMJE Press: RDE e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.07 235
1323 KAMJE Press Mobile web: Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing XMLink 2018.02.02 236
1322 KAMJE Press: BNR e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.07 239
1321 Synapse: 연구비 지원 기관 링크 (Funding information) XMLink 2017.09.25 244
1320 "Journal of Nutrition and Health" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2018.03.21 245
1319 KAMJE Press: EMJ e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.20 246
1318 KAMJE Press: YUJM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.22 246
1317 "Advances in Pediatric Surgery" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2019.02.08 248
1316 JKOA DOI에 Multiple Resolution 적용 XMLink 2019.07.02 254
1315 KAMJE Press: OGS e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.07 256
1314 KAMJE Press: JES e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 259
1313 Editorial Manager for Obstetrics & Gynecology Science XMLink 2017.12.01 260
1312 KOFST 학술지 발행 역량강화 4차 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2017.12.01 261
1311 KJCN DOI에 Multiple Resolution 적용 XMLink 2019.07.02 263