2011년 11월 10일에 Journal of the Korean Surgical Society (대한외과학회 발행)가 PubMed (http://pubmed.gov)에 등재되어 2011년 4호부터 PubMed에서 검색할 수 있게 되었습니다.

•  Journal of the Korean Surgical Society의 PubMed 레코드

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
270 KAMJE Press: TRD e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.27 226
269 KAMJE Press: ASJ e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.27 360
268 Synapse: Korean Journal of Adult Nursing 등재 XMLink 2018.03.27 741
267 Cited by Synapse/Crossref 적용: Diabetes & Metabolism Journal XMLink 2018.03.27 4186
266 Cited by Web of Science 적용: Diabetes & Metabolism Journal XMLink 2018.03.27 1287
265 KAMJE Press: Perinatology e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.28 524
264 KAMJE Press: JBM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.28 270
263 KAMJE Press: KJCN e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.28 5405
262 KAMJE Press: JKFS e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.28 219
261 KAMJE Press: JMM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.28 1033
260 2018년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 1차 워크숍: Editorial Manager 발표 XMLink 2018.03.28 337
259 Editorial Manager & XMLink Technical Meeting (2018.03.27) XMLink 2018.03.28 951
258 KAMJE Press: EnM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.30 231
257 Editorial Manager & XMLink Technical Meeting (2018.03.30) XMLink 2018.04.02 293
256 KAMJE Press: JBC e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.04.02 446
255 KAMJE Press: HMR e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.04.02 448
254 "Brain Tumor Research and Treatment" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2018.04.02 700
253 2018년도 의편협 정기총회 및 심포지엄 참석 XMLink 2018.04.02 1307
252 XMLink 창립 10주년 기념 workshop XMLink 2018.04.06 749
251 KAMJE Press: JDAPM e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.04.09 873