The odometer on PubMed Central® turned over a slew of zeroes in October,

when someone somewhere retrieved the ONE BILLIONTH article in 2017 from this free, full-text archive.


That’s one billion articles retrieved in less than 10 months—a breakneck pace on par with the iPhone

App Store’s one billionth download, which took 9 months and 12 days back in 2009.


The first two paragraphs from:

Happy One Billion, PubMed Central!

"NLM Musings from the Mezzanine" Blog posting by Patti Brennan (Director, US National Library of Medicine)
Posted on December 19, 2017 



댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1190 KAMJE Press: LMO e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.26 647
1189 KAMJE Press: YMJ e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.05 657
1188 XMLink 2019년도 동계 workshop XMLink 2019.02.20 660
1187 KAMJE Press Mobile web: Journal of the Korean Medical Association XMLink 2018.06.26 669
1186 "Brain Tumor Research and Treatment" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2018.04.02 700
1185 학술지 발행 역량강화 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2016.12.16 706
1184 2018년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 1차 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2018.03.26 706
1183 'PMC and Bookshelf: Technical Evaluation Workshop' 참석 XMLink 2018.04.17 706
1182 Similarity Check--iThenticate maintenance scheduled for January 7th 2017 XMLink 2016.12.27 712
1181 "Journal of Endocrine Surgery" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2017.04.06 723
1180 KAMJE Press: JKMS e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.01.22 732
1179 KAMJE Press: JKMA e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.06.26 738
1178 Synapse: Korean Journal of Adult Nursing 등재 XMLink 2018.03.27 741
1177 MeSH TFT 회의 file XMLink 2016.12.21 745
1176 XMLink 창립 10주년 기념 workshop XMLink 2018.04.06 749
1175 KAMJE Press: EnM e-journal platform 검색 결과 filter 추가 XMLink 2018.06.16 768
1174 Editorial Manager for Korean Journal of Anesthesiology XMLink 2017.09.01 789
1173 Editorial Manager for Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science XMLink 2017.07.01 797
1172 SCI 등재: Journal of Gastric Cancer XMLink 2017.04.05 814
1171 APAMED Central: HTTPS 프로토콜 적용 XMLink 2017.08.14 829