Editorial Manager (EM) - KAMJE Press User Meeting

    hosted by Jason De Boer (Client Development Manager, Aries Systems Corporation)


일 시: 2017년 12월 06일 (수) 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm
장 소: 서울대학교 의과대학 행정관 310호 (서울시 종로구 대학로 103)






    ·   Welcome to the User Meeting:

an introduction to Aries Systems, our partnership with XMLink and why journals worldwide trust Editorial Manager to support their workflows.

    ·    Intergrations in Editorial Manager:

the importance and benefits of integrating standards and tools in your journal workflow, and how Editorial Manager can help you to achieve this.

    ·   Helping Your Editors:

getting the most from some of the key features in Editorial Manager to make life easier and more efficient for your journal.

    ·    What’s New in Editorial Manager?

New features in the future releases of Editorial Manager over the next 12 months, available to all journals using the system, and a sneak peek at our longer term development roadmap.

    ·    Q&A:

an opportunity to ask colleagues from XMLink and Aries how Editorial Manager can support your own journal.

    ·    Close of meeting




댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1190 KAMJE Press: AD e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.03.02 373
1189 KAMJE Press: AARD e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.28 2916
1188 KAMJE Press: JGC e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.27 1635
1187 KAMJE Press: RDE e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.23 214
1186 KAMJE Press: ICUrology e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.21 6618
1185 KAMJE Press: YMJ e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.20 155
1184 "Healthcare Informatics Research" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2018.02.14 222
1183 KAMJE Press: KJO e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 272
1182 XMLink 2018년도 동계 workshop XMLink 2018.02.14 356
1181 KAMJE Press: JKACHN e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 2507
1180 KAMJE Press: KJWHN e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 176
1179 KAMJE Press: JKAN e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 2228
1178 KAMJE Press: JKSR e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 7224
1177 KAMJE Press: AAIR e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 2273
1176 KAMJE Press: JES e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 259
1175 KAMJE Press: Immune Network e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.14 5241
1174 KAMJE Press: CNR e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.02 432
1173 KAMJE Press Mobile web: Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing XMLink 2018.02.02 236
1172 KAMJE Press Mobile web: Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing XMLink 2018.02.02 216
1171 KAMJE Press: AP Allergy e-journal platform new interface design XMLink 2018.02.01 228