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그림 1. KJCN e-journal platform


그림 2. Archive 와 Table of Contents


그림 3. 논문 Full text 화면

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1470 "Electrolytes & Blood Pressure" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2020.05.18 0
1469 "The Journal of Korean Diabetes" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2020.05.13 0
1468 "The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2020.04.08 0
1467 Editorial Manager for Translational and Clinical Pharmacology XMLink 2020.03.26 0
1466 Editorial Manager for Journal of Veterinary Science XMLink 2020.03.02 0
1465 PubMed Central 등재: Translational and Clinical Pharmacology (2020.2.14) XMLink 2020.02.14 0
1464 SCOPUS 등재: Epidemiology and Health XMLink 2020.02.12 0
1463 "Translational and Clinical Pharmacology" e-journal platform 구축 open XMLink 2020.02.03 0
1462 Crossref & XMLink Technical Meeting (2020.01.14) XMLink 2020.01.14 0
1461 제13회 의학학술지 편집인 아카데미 수료 XMLink 2020.01.11 0
1460 MEDLINE 등재: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine XMLink 2020.01.11 0
1459 2020년, SCI가 SCIE로 통합 제공 XMLink 2019.12.12 214
1458 MEDLINE 등재: Diabetes & Metabolism Journal XMLink 2019.12.09 197
1457 2019년 KOFST 학술지발행역량강화 4차 워크숍 참석 XMLink 2019.11.29 191
1456 SCOPUS 등재: Archives of Craniofacial Surgery XMLink 2019.11.25 978
1455 SCOPUS 등재: Neurospine XMLink 2019.11.20 477
1454 SCOPUS 등재: Journal of Bone Metabolism XMLink 2019.11.19 1263
1453 SCOPUS 등재: Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism XMLink 2019.11.19 624
1452 SCOPUS 등재: Korean Journal of Neurotrauma XMLink 2019.11.19 481
1451 Editorial Manager for Journal of the Korean Glaucoma Society XMLink 2019.11.15 191